Saturday 28th August 2021
The Speyside Way Ultras
The 1st Speyside Way race first took place on 3rd April 1994 (Easter Sunday as a matter of fact!) as a 50km as opposed to a 37miler (sorry on behalf of the race for adding that extra part for you!). Throughout its 22 year history, legends in not only distance running, but running as a whole, have competed in this event. This event is stacked in history - from the late Don Ritchie himself (former 100km world record holder, who later took on the job as race director) and world 100km champion Simon Pride, to Commonwealth Games runner Fraser Clyne and even 1500m specialist Brian Scally.
New for 2021, we are adding the option of doing the full Speyside Way 100km; 100km (and then some!) from Aviemore to Buckie, taking even more vast and stunning landscape!

Tell me more!
Race Details
Date: Saturday 28 August 2021
Time: 5am for the full, 7am for the original
Cutoff: 18 hours for the full, 9 hours for the original
Entry Limit: 50 for the full, 200 for the original
Price: Full - £60 for the full, £45 for the original
Who can take part?
We want you to feel part of the Speyside Way Ultra family! Provided you are over 18, and whether you want to break the course record or have never done an ultra race before, the original is the race for you!
We do recommend only experienced ultra runners take part in the full distance. Despite being predominantely runnable, it is still a pretty long way, and this one will be mainly self-sufficient.
Where is it?
The original route will follow the Speyside Way from Ballindalloch to the town centre in Buckie.
The full route follows the entire Speyside Way (without the extension!) from Aviemore to Buckie.
Full route details and gpx files will be posted in plenty time before the race, as well as an official race handbook issued to each competitor to know every detail!
How can I enter?
Entries will be provided on a first come, first serve basis.
Entry site coming soon!
66 or 37
50 + 200
4085 or 1500
Speyside Way Ultra
The Route
The Original
This route will follow the Speyside Way from Ballindalloch, along the Speyside Way, though famous whisky country towns , up the beautiful and challenging Ben Aigen, some road running to Fochabers, a winding trail to Spey Bay on the coast, and forestry trails to finish the town centre in Buckie.
The Full
To accomplish the full distance, runners will start in the tourist town of Aviemore, following the Cairngorms Speyside Way, along to Cragganmore and following the original route above.
GPX file will be available here well before the race.
Enter Speyside Way Below...
We need your help!

To ensure the race runs smoothly, we'll need volunteers to help with marshalling, attendance, catering, and more...

No previous experience?
Don't worry about it! We want everyone to get involved - plus we'll take any help we can get!

Volunteer Incentives
You will receive food, a buff and a free race entry! Find out more in the volunteer section!